What I enjoy doing is watching the JW family from across the road going off to their meeting looking oh-so-happy (heavy sarcasm there by the way) with kids in tow who would rather be out playing or watching tv (or even tidying their rooms for that matter...) and then I enjoy my Sunday morning pottering around and relaxing, plenty of coffee and choccie biccies, Sunday newspapers and colour supplements, coming here. And then I see them traipsing back from the hall and field service looking even happier (more sarcasm of course) and the kids looking very fed up. Boy, do I appreciate my Sundays now. And Tuesday evenings, and Thursday evenings, and every morning of the week when I would drag my heels on the ministry.... Never again.
And I've just realised that Xmas Day is on a Monday this year - there will be a lot of very pleased JWs this year then, they can have their roast dinner with all their trimmings (just because turkey is cheap this time of year and theres no work today... blah, blah, all the usual excuses for having a pseudo Xmas dinner!) and they can even have their 'present day', without having the day interrupted with a meeting!